Tuesday, April 21, 2009
We're having a boy!
Our girls our excited as well. Emma is not thrilled that we won't name him Max, as she digs the Max and Ruby cartoon characters. She thinks that if we already have Ruby, we might as well add Max. Too cute!
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Fourth dice is on the way!!!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
In the middle of September we were fortunate enough to get back to Disneyland. We spent a week with our girls and my parents came along for a few days as well. While there, we celebrated Abby's 5th birthday. We had an absolute blast and loved the constant family time.
Here are some pictures from our trip:
Ruby in her Tinker Bell dress - We had a bunch of people ask if they could take her picture as she marched around the park. She was adorable!
Abby, Emma & Ruby with Cinderella
The girls with Chip & Dale
Breakfast on Abby's birthday at Goofy's Kitchen
Emma fighting Darth Vader during the Jedi Training Academy
Abby's turn to take on Vader!
Our family at Snow White's Wishing Well
Abby & Emma with Buzz
What had such a blast and cannot wait to get back.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Ruby Turns One and Fun in Las Vegas
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Vacation at the Beach
Fun family picture at the beach.
Mommy with Ruby We have swam every day but one, and went twice on Sunday. Our girls love to swim is an understatement! Abby and Emma each have these cool float suits that are wetsuit-like training suits that allow them to swim/float on their own. It's very fun to see their confidence grow in the water, as they learn the basics of paddling and kicking.
movie from the mid-80s which was one of my favorites growing up. We also drove past the elementary school used in the filming of Kindergarten Cop. Very fun for a big movie fan!
Ruby on the carousel!
Sunday, April 27, 2008
The sun does exist!
Emma is our future ballet dancer/archeologist / exterminator. Here she's digging in the mud, hunting for worms while in her ballet dress.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Oh yeah, we have a blog - time to update it! ;)
We felt embarrassed when the girls doctor asked if they're wearing helmets when riding their trikes. Oops, bad parents! It wasn't long before they had the full set of helmet with knee and elbow pads. They love them!
This is currently my favorite picture of Ruby and it's on the desktop of my laptop. Every time I see it I can't help but smile. Ruby is learning a ton these days. She's starting to wave and is working on clapping.