"Please stop hugging and kissing Ruby!", "Please give Ruby some space!" and "You're too big to get in Ruby's swing with her!" are common phrases you'll hear often in our home these days. What a joy that Abby and Emma have embraced the addition of a sister to our family, but what a challenge it is in protecting little Ruby from her big sisters smothering love!
Meg and I feel blessed that the adjustment to life with three children has been fairly uneventful. We didn't know exactly what to expect as the temperaments of Abby and Emma differed so much. Ruby is a mellow little girl, only throwing fits when it's time to eat. She must have learned that from her daddy!

We are thankful to God for how the first three weeks with Ruby have gone. Meg is getting a fair amount of sleep (and some late night movie time, during feedings, to catch up on chick flicks), Abby and Emma are loving their little sis and daddy is trying to help stay on top of all the chores, as three children certainly means less "free" time to get the little things done around the house.
The hardest adjustment for us has been the balance between parenting a two and three year old, with the diligence in discipline and stamina required to keep up with them, and the parenting of a new born, which requires the constant attention and meeting of her basic needs. Separately, those are tall orders, put them together and you've got yourself a crazy adventure! Good thing we're up to the task.
you should post about seattle!
We should have posted about Seattle. That was a very fun week!
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